Free workbook
Make the right impact: Define how you want your brand to feel.
Go beyond surface-level visuals in your branding. Create a brand that truly resonates with your ideal customers. The secret? Don’t skip ahead to how you want your brand to look. Start with how you want your brand to feel. ✨
My free guide enables you to pinpoint a powerful set of words that encapsulate an inspiring direction for how you want your brand to feel – giving you clarity, momentum and the confidence to make aligned decisions for your brand going forwards.
Includes illuminating exercises to help you:
(Re)imagine the possibilities of how your brand should feel.
Find the right words to describe how you want it to feel.
Narrow down the essence of the feeling.
Carry out an important step most people forget.
Plus, workbook includes a list of 200+ brand adjectives to get you started.
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